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How often should you mow your lawn: Lawn Mowing Basics

How often should you mow your lawn: Lawn Mowing Basics

Mowing is a part of lawn care that most homeowners don’t enjoy. However, if done properly, it’s the simplest way to keep your grass healthy and looking great. If you have too little moisture or nutrients in your soil or if you don’t mow often enough, your lawn will stop growing and turn brown before its time. And if you cut your grass too short or too long, it won’t be able to absorb sunlight properly and might become more susceptible to fungus diseases like leaf spots and rust.

The basics of Lawn Mowing

Mowing the lawn is a very important part of lawn care. It helps keep your grass healthy, and it is also good for the environment.

Moreover, it can also be a good idea to get into a routine with mowing, especially if you have an automatic mower or another type of automatic tool (such as a snow blower). This way, it will be easier for you later on when you are trying to remember how often you should do this task!

If possible, try avoiding mowing when it rains or when there are high winds—the blades on these machines will clog easily with wet leaves or debris in those conditions; otherwise, they might stop working altogether! 

How to mow?

To mow your lawn, you’ll want to do the following:

Mow when it’s dry. Wet grass is much more difficult to cut than dry grass. If you need to cut your grass shorter, use the setting that allows you to cut the grass without scalping it.

Mow in the direction of long-grass growth, not against it (this will reduce clumping).

Sharpen and balance your blades frequently for optimal performance. 

How often should you mow your grass?

The frequency of mowing your grass depends on certain factors such as grass type, time of the year, and weather conditions.

Grass type

First, you’ll want to figure out how well your grass grows. If your lawn is a creeping bentgrass (bluegrass) type, it will grow slowly and require less frequent mowing.
On the other hand, if your lawn is a Bermuda grass variety or another type that tends to grow faster than bluegrass varieties, then you may need to mow more frequently.
It’s also important to consider the amount of sunlight each type of grass receives when making this decision. Shady areas tend to be cooler than sunny spots in the summertime—which means they may require less frequent mowing than sunnier areas do during hot weather.
Grasses that are regularly fertilized also need less frequent trimming than those that aren’t getting any supplemental nutrients from fertilizer applications or other sources (such as compost).
This is because fertilizing stimulates root growth underground; thus more roots mean less chance for woody growth above ground level and therefore fewer places for weeds to invade your newly cut lawn! 

Mowing frequency

Mowing frequency depends on the type of grass and how fast it grows. The general rule is to mow your lawn every 7-10 days for cool-season grasses, and every 5-7 days for warm-season grasses. If you don’t have a mower with a built-in timer, it can be helpful to use an app or other device that will remind you when it is time to cut the grass again. If you find yourself having trouble remembering how often to mow your lawn or how to do so, get in touch with Suffrena Lawn Service. 


It’s important to remember that your lawn is a living thing, and it might need different mowing frequencies depending on the season. Spring, for example, is when grass grows fastest and can double in size from one week to another if left untended. Connect with Suffrena Lawn Service today and get the best service.

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